OHSE and Culture
Down Under Surveys is committed to achieving a safe and healthy working environment for our personnel, contractors and clients.
It is our policy to promote occupational health and safety through the proactive application of risk management principles in an environment which supports and values employee contributions.
Effective health and safety management is an integral part of our operations. We undertake to work towards continuous improvement of occupational health and safety within our operations and to:
- Maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment for our personal, contractors, client’s staff and the general of the public.
- Meeting and exceeding the health and safety requirements of our client’s, relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
- Educating our employees, subcontractors and suppliers to ensure that safety controls are integrated into our work practices.
- Ensuring that a hazard and risk analysis is performed for all activities that pose a safety risk and that adequate control measures are implemented.
- Reporting all hazards, near misses, incidents and accidents to assist in the implementation of continuous improvement in health and safety processes and systems of work.
- Conducting regular safety audits of equipment, plant, vehicles and workplaces.
- Equipment which is designed, maintained and inspected to minimise risks to health and safety.
- Appropriately skilled personnel capable of efficiently and safely carrying out the work.
- Establishing and measuring safety performance against objectives and / or targets.
- Providing adequate instruction in and supervision of the performance of work.
- Providing access to occupational rehabilitation services in the event of a workplace injury or illness and actively encouraging and facilitating the earliest possible return to work.
- Providing Personal Protective Equipment to current Australian Standards
- Promoting consultation with staff at all levels on health and safety issues to encourage active participation.
- Communicating our safety initiatives to our staff and client on a regular basis.
Each employee has no more important duty and responsibility than to ensure, within his or her capacity, that work is carried out safely and efficiently.
No task will be seen as so important as to compromise health and safety. Consideration must be given in determining a safe work method for each and every activity.
Health and Safety of Our People
Down Under Surveys value employee contribution and in turn have a proactive approach to risk management.