Geotech/Engineering Logging
Our expert team of scientists can provide innovative solutions for your engineering and geotechnical requirements. Dual-density and full waveform sonic probes can calculate mechanical rock properties including;
- Density
- Porosity
- Poisson’s Ratio
- Shear Modulus
- Young’s Modulus
- Bulk Modulus
- Bulk Compressibility
The sonic full waveform analysis allows for the determination of cement bond integrity, crucial in high-pressure environments.
Our acoustic scanner provides an orientated 360-degree image produced by ultrasonic pulses.
- Fracture detection and evaluations
- Determination of bedding and fracture dip
- Lithologic characterization
- Breakout analysis
- Casing inspection
- Relative formation hardness/degree of consolidation
- High‐resolution caliper measurements
Do you have special requirements?
DUS can hire or interface specialist tools if required. Don’t hesitate to ask our highly experienced team to assist with all your geotechnical needs.
Downhole Video for Borehole Inspection
The Mighty Cam is a complete system capable of producing comprehensive on-site inspections of borehole casing.
It is connected to a waterproof, color camera attached to a 300m motor driven reel recording a depth-encoded, high-resolution video.
Special Requirements
We offer clients a personalized service and therefore cater to special requirements.