Down Hole Geophysics
Down Under Surveys offer clients down hole logging services which is the process of measuring physical, chemical, and structural properties of penetrated geological formations.
Click on a section below for more information.
Natural Gamma Logging
Geological Interpretation of Gamma-Ray Logs This system detects natural gamma radiation emanating from sub-surface rocks. Gamma rays are very high…
Gamma Uranium Logging
Total Count Gamma Tool for Uranium Exploration Down Under Surveys uses a Total Count Gamma tool to detect uranium mineralisation…
Sidewall Density
Geological Interpretation of Density Logs Caliper and Density sondes have application in coal, iron ore and groundwater exploration as well…
Magnetic Susceptibility
Geological Interpretation of Magnetic Susceptibility Logs Magnetic Susceptibility is the degree of magnetization of the surrounding rock in response to…
Induced Conductivity
Inductive Conductivity The electrical conductivity of a porous unconsolidated material is a function of the combined electrical conductivity of the…
Geotech/Engineering Logging
Our expert team of scientists can provide innovative solutions for your engineering and geotechnical requirements. Dual density and full wave…